Dissecting 89 George's Street - A Surgeon's life in Nineteenth century Limerick City

Lauren Cassidy is undertaking this historical research under the supervision of Lorna Moloney of Merriman Research. 89 Georges Street, known nowadays as 89 O’Connell Street contains particular Georgian features in Limerick city and is essential for our knowledge of Limerick city's historical development. Throughout the nineteenth, and early twentieth-century, 89 O’Connell Street, then known as 89 George-street was used for a variety of purposes, and occupied by many different families. Although originally built as a private home, this attractive abode was used as a place of business. In fact, neighbouring properties all housed medical businesses. Philip Lyon, Physician, practiced at 90 George Street. Stanley Bouchier adjacent at 91 George-Street. Nearby Richard Franklin resided in 83 George-street. A plethora of surgeons, physicians, and apothecaries inhabit this space. In the early nineteenth century, the house location of New-Town Pery boasted of a 'superb city view' ...