anyone interested in religions, India, diaspora, cultural transformations. 2nd Max Arthur Macauliffe Conference "EMERGING TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS IN SIKH & PUNJABI STUDIES" Venue: Western Gateway Building Lecture Theatre 1.07, UCC, Cork, this Saturday 22 March 10.00-18.00. Programme and abstracts at If the link does not work google 'UCC sikh Macauliffe 2014' All welcome, for any part of the conference, which runs from 10am to 6pm. Free admittance, no registration necessary. Programme includes: Translating Sikhism Sikhism through the New Age prism: Yogi Bhajan’s spiritual discourse and its cultural context Jaspreet Kaur Translating the Sikh: An assessment of the works of Leyden, Trumpp and Macauliffe Gurinder S Mann Poetry and Performance Naqal – Performance & Community Manpreet Kaur The Poet and History: Harinder Singh Mahboob’s Sikh Historiography Prabhsharandeep Singh European Sikhs...