Certificate in History of Family & Genealogical Methods 2011

This certificate programme is designed to provide a supportive and stimulating context for history of family research. It is a one-year, part-time course, which caters for the continuing education needs of those who wish to undertake study in the theory, methodology and practice of history of family and genealogical methods and who require supervision in carrying out research particularly as it might be applied to an understanding of familial heritage in the context of local, regional and national identity. The course consists of four modules, worth a combined 30 credits, which will be delivered one evening per week, 6.30pm to 9.30pm during the UL Autumn and Spring semesters. To facilitate students who live at a distance, the course will include blended (on-line), learning. A sympathetic academic environment will be provided by the course lecturers, who will offer guidance in appropriate research skills. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Applications are invited from mature students (in general 23 ye...